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Playslip Setup Wizard

Page 5 - Overrides


If your lottery plays number 1 through 48, with 5 boards (games) per playslip, there would be 240 coordinates to enter! But you do not have to enter all 240, because the values you entered earlier (distance between marks, distance between boards, distances from the playslip's edge, etc.) allows Lotto Sorcerer to calculate each coordinate. But this assumes that the playslip is symmetrical (that is, the distance between all of the marks and the boards are the same).

But sometimes the playslip is asymmetrical. This page, "Override Mark Coordinates" allows you to modify the calculated value of each mark, if you wish.

Important! If you want to make changes in this fashion, you must check the "Ignore Sizing Controls and Allow Override" checkbox. If you do not do this, any changes you make in the first four pages (or even just loading in the playslip) will overwrite any changes you made in this page.

If you do not want to make any overrides, you must not check the "Ignore Sizing Controls and Allow Override" checkbox. If you do, any changes you make in the first four pages will not do anything.

Basic Procedure

Editing a Value on the List

  1. Just double-click on the value you want to change in the list.
  2. Type your change.

Exporting the List

If you have a lot of values to deal with, and if you are skilled at working with a spreadsheet, you can export the list. Then, import the list into your spreadsheet. To do this, just click the "Export" button. It will export the list to a four-field tab-delimited file.

When working on the spreadsheet, be sure to modify "Import" button.